Starting And Operating A Farmers Market

Starting a new market is generally justified if you have firm commitments from six growers and you expect to attract at least 100 customers on each market day. For growers, farmers markets provide an opportunity to sell products at retail prices. Farmers that direct market their products at farmers markets can increase their revenue through the acceptance of these nutrition assistance programs. A thorough but mostly text-based guide created for the Portland Farmers Market, this toolkit walks through how to define, plan, and launch a nutrition incentive program at a farmers market.

One resource available for farmers markets is South Dakota State University Extension. SDSU Extension provides a variety of assistance for farmers markets.

Step Five: Appoint a Market Manager

Thank you to Jeff Cole of the Federation of Massachusetts Farmers Markets for preparing and sharing this presentation on creating a safer market environment. Understanding risk management and farmers’ market insurance is essential for all market managers, board members, and vendors. USDA can help and offers additional assistance to beginning farmers and ranchers.

  • That’s why farm diplomacy ranks up there with soil maintenance and food safety as a best practice.
  • This is to ensure that the rule requiring customers who use SNAP to be treated the same as any other customer is being respected.
  • However you plan to receive input from your community, be sure to involve the people who are using SNAP and/or incentives at your site in the beginning stages of project planning and decision making.
  • While some are eager to turn farming into a political act, for SPIN farmers it is a profession, not a cause.
  • Small farms have to figure out how to maximize profit on the produce they grow, which isn’t as easy or straightforward as it sounds.
  • Farmers markets sometimes allow vendors to sell crafts to develop a more diverse vendor base and cater to certain customers.

EQUIPMENT – Specify that most work will be completed with simple hand tools such as hoes, shovels, scissors, knives, wheel hoes, seeders and other common manually operated garden tools. If you do plan to operate a rototiller advise the landowner on what that entails and verify that there are no utility lines near where you will be rototilling.

Standing Committees & Short-Term Committees

USDA considers anyone who has operated a farm or ranch for less than ten years to be a beginning farmer or rancher. USDA can help you get started or grow your operation through a variety of programs and services, from farm loans to crop insurance, and conservation programs to disaster assistance. Evaluating the support level of citizens can help determine if a new market will be successful.

Starting And Operating A Farmers Market

This group can be made up of vendors, but in some cases community members are very involved with the farmers market. It is important to provide an avenue for community involvement with the Market Association. To create a Market Association, the new market will need to determine their membership requirements, decide on their board of directors positions, select a decision making process, and draft and eventually ratify by-laws . While this may seem overwhelming initially, the completion of this process will provide long-term structure for the new farmers market. Marketing the Market , a Kansas Rural Center publication, shares several marketing and promotional tips for growers and market organizers. The guide includes information on basic marketing principles, building partnerships with local media and businesses, selling, merchandising, creating a lively market atmosphere, promoting the market, and communicating with customers.

What are qualities of successful farmers markets?

Interested groups should contact the Community Development Field Specialists for help or information regarding farmers markets. In the past, SDSU Extension has helped launch a number of markets in South Dakota. The goal of the coaching role is to assist and guide the planning team throughout the process of forming a Starting And Operating A Farmers Market new market or address changes in their current market. The coach role doesn’t manage or lead the market; the coach simply provides assistance when needed. Associations of farmers markets and other direct marketing ventures exist at the state national, and international levels to assist growers and market organizers.

  • You might want to learn about the Score Mentorship Program to learn from a fellow farmer.
  • You will find an overview of marketing strategies, tools such as social media, and ways to evaluate your marketing.
  • Prepared by Monika Roth at Cornell Cooperative Extension, this form provides an easy tool for evaluating your market’s accessibility and appearance.
  • Check out a list of farmers interested in attending additional markets.
  • A thorough but mostly text-based guide created for the Portland Farmers Market, this toolkit walks through how to define, plan, and launch a nutrition incentive program at a farmers market.

The need for farm products, such as fruits and vegetables, is one of the determining factors in the success or failure of a market. All of the failed markets listed that they needed more fruit, vegetables, fish, meat and value-added products.


Distributing a community survey and hosting a community meeting can help provide answers. Or, include a self-addressed postage paid envelope if funds are available. A survey can include questions that help establish a picture of what the market might look like in the community. SDSU Extension has created an Example Farmers Market Community Interest Survey for markets to utilize. This document is available in the resources section following this chapter. Finally, some markets choose to operate under the umbrella of another organization. Some advantages of this structure are that sponsoring organizations can help provide or secure a location for the market or subsidize the cost of rent, utilities, printing, advertising, insurance and other items.

  • Collecting sound information, in a systematic way, can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your market.
  • According to market managers in South Dakota, this experience is normal.
  • This is the official document that outlines how the Market Association will function.
  • The Property owner agrees to bring any specific requirements or concerns of this nature to the attention of the Farmer in advance of the growing season and/or as soon as they arise.
  • After drawing the by-laws, the membership must meet and vote to ratify.

This allows aspiring and practicing farmers to continue to live in the city, using their homes as their farm base, and add larger plots as their business becomes more successful. Peri-urban sites produce the larger volume, lower maintenance crops that are always in demand at market, while the urban sites provide early and late production of the high-value relay crops. Together they afford diversification and protection against catastrophic crop losses or extreme weather events. If one or more plots get flooded out, your other plots can keep you producing and selling.

Why are farmers markets popular?

However, taking the time to organize community support, vendors and market leadership will provide a strong foundation for new markets going forward. The board serves as the governing body for the Market Association membership.

Starting And Operating A Farmers Market

They can also help support the market manager and board of directors when conflicts arise. Operating under the umbrella of another organization will also allow market organizers to forgo the learning and work involved with incorporating as an independent entity. The major disadvantages of this structure are that the sponsoring organizations may place the market’s goals behind their own and limit market organizers’ control over finances and decision making. Information on possible legal structures for farmers markets, weights and measures, food safety and insurance are included below. Try to thoroughly evaluate the interest among local growers, consumers, businesses, government agencies and organizations before proceeding to the next step. To gain input from a wider audience and uncover unforeseen objections or support, place ads in local newspapers or hold public meetings. If time and funding permit, a formal feasibility study can be conducted.

What is the purpose of the market?

USDA Service Centers are locations where you can connect with Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or Rural Development employees for your business needs. Enter your state and county below to find your local service center and agency offices.

So, reach out to your local wholesale markets and find out how to get into their network . There is no one-size-fits-all answer for every farmer out there trying to figure out the best place to sell their product.

The following chapters will address further decisions and tasks needed to form a new market. After completing these initial five steps, a new market still has quite a bit of work to do before the first selling day.

You’ve got to consider factors like your location, the uniqueness of your product, your specific market, your time & resources, etc. Although SPIN-Farming is a-political, SPIN farmers are in many ways ambassadors of agriculture. Working farms in cities and towns are still somewhat exotic, so curiosity or skepticism is a natural reaction to expect, and you should not take it personally.

A member always has the right to request information on any motion he or she does not thoroughly understand. Moreover, all meetings must be characterized by fairness and by good faith.